Our tools are flanked by professional services. Our teams have significant experience in the digital business world. Know-how and expertise are the heroes in our success story.


Data Analysis & Reporting

We support data-driven decision making by collecting company-wide data using state-of-the-art business intelligence principles and conducting advanced analytics to gain business insights. Our data scientists drive the digitalization by working on algorithms that allow for instant information processing.


Marketing as a Service

With the launch of kloeckner.i in 2014, Klöckner & Co also broke completely new ground in marketing. For the first time, we harnessed techniques, such as SEA or SEO, and promoted Klöckner & Co's products in e-mail campaigns. Since then, we have built up expertise in marketing steel and metal products online that is unparalleled anywhere else in the world.



To support Klöckner & Co sales strategy, our data scientists develop automated pricing solutions. Services include the rollout of data-driven algorithms, customer classifications as well as monitoring of and reporting on pricing metrics.


UX & Design

We design digital products and services based on real user needs. By applying design thinking methods and the latest design and interaction principles, we ensure our solutions deliver a positive and meaningful experience to our users.


Customer Service

To support our online customers from the beginning to the end of their digital journey, kloeckner.i has established a team of experts, that not only knows all details about the digital tools that we provide, but also understand the customers’ needs and takes every feedback seriously. That way, we can deliver great service and make sure, that our customers are always in the center of our work.